“The Basis and Opportunities of Applying to International Court on the Case of the Armenian Genocide” was published. The presentation of the book took place on November 11, in the Institute of History of NAS RA.

The author of the book is Armen Marukyan (Head of the Department of Armenian Cause and Armenian Genocide, Candidate of History, associate professor). According to him historical and legal aspects of the Armenian Genocide have been studied since 2008. And it had its reasons. “Our discouragement made our enemy indomitable, so we should try to be more courageous heading for the 100th anniversary”.

The legal bases of the Armenian claims are introduced in the book. The author mentioned that the claims existed, but it did not mean that we should apply to the court immediately.  “It is not safe to take the matter to the court without a  legal background”.

During the presentation head of the Institute of History Ashot Melkonyan noted, “The Turks dragged us into the struggle of Armenian Genocide recognition. If you are involved in this, you will fall into the Turk’s trap ”.  

The historian mentioned that the Armenians were ideologically developed in the last decade, and began to believe in claims. And those who expressed their pessimistic attitude towards it, began to speak about the need to achieve it.

Ashot Melkonyan spoke about the book as well, noting that the book introduced the other genocides  as well, which would give the Armenians an opportunity to make their demands. 

“We are united  in one  idea and we should try to keep this unification after the commemoration of  the 100th anniversary of the Armenian Genocide”,-said A. Melkonyan.

From the legal aspect the book is composed of two parts. Lawyer Vladimir Vardanyan noted that the book introduced the legal study at the highest level. “In this book the Turkish jurisprudence faced  the situation, which is found in  the tribunals of Armenia and in Turkish official positions”,-said Vladimir Vardanyan and added “We ought to win in this case”.