On October 15-16, 2015 a scientific conference on “The Armenian Genocide-100: from the Recognition to Reparation” dedicated to the Centennial of the Armenian Genocide was held at NAS RA. The main topic of the discussion was the publicity of the facts, documents and legal and historical issues related to the Armenian Genocide, as well as the elimination of consequences, reparation and political and legal issues. The themes of the reports of the  two-day conference was on historiography of the Armenian Genocide, geopolitics the Armenian issue, cultural genocide, as well as the reflection of the Armenian Genocide in art, literature,  political, legal and socio-economic issues of elimination and reparation of the consequences of the Genocide.

During the two-day conference a number of reports on "Armenian Question. Geopolitics "and" The elimination of the consequences of the Genocide and reparation for legal and socio-economic issues”. " were delivered in the Institute of History and presidency hall of NAS RA.  Historians and specialists in genocide studies from Armenia, Russia, Germany, the United States presented the Armenian Question in a variety of legal and socio-political aspects. 

A participant from the United States Marie Rose Abousufyan, being a descendant of survivors of the Armenian Genocide, submitted a report on "Germany's responsibility in the Armenian Genocide". Abousufyan spoke about  the German Foreign Ministry documents, which relate to Germany's participation in the Armenian Genocide. The aim of this study was to determine the real causes of the Armenian Genocide and identify the responsibility of Germany on the issue of the Armenian Genocide. According to her, Germany as a witness, participant must also be sentenced to justice. 

Lyova Musaelyan from Russia touched upon the geopolitical factors of the settlement of the Armenian Question. In his report, he talks about a number of historical facts, which prove that both in the past and in the present geo-political interests adversely affect the triumph of historical justice.

French historian Hilda Choboyan in her report "European policy and prosecution: from the acceptance of the Armenian Genocide to the compensation demands”,  notes the importance to the legal investigation of crimes against humanity, clarification of the problems of responsibility and impunity according to the international law. He spoke about a number of legal meanings of words associated with the idea of compensation too. The parallels were drawn with the process of recognition and compensation for the Holocaust.

The reports on "New tendencies aimed at lessening of the number of the Armenian genocide victims”  "The Armenian question  in the context of the German-Turkish foreign policy in 1896", "The issue of recognition of the Armenian Genocide in 1960", etc.