On 17th of May, 2017, the US House representatives of Texas State recognized the Armenian Genocide by passing the resolution № 191.      

The «Armenian Weekly» newspaper reports that Texas became the 46th state of the United States to officially recognize the Armenian Genocide. 

The director of the Western Region of the Armenian National Committee of America (ANCA), Nora Hovsepian showed her gratitude to the US House of representatives Texas for standing on the true side of history and for honoring the memory of 1.5 million victims of the Armenian Genocide, despite Turkey's opposition.

Nora Hovsepian stated that this incredible success is made possible through the active and joint efforts of the Armenian community of Texas, as well as through the uncompromising leadership of US House representative of Texas State, Scott Sanford. The discussion of Resolution № 191 was presented by Sanford in 26th of July, which was followed by the auditions of the International Trade and Intergovernmental Committee on 24th of April.     

Back in 2015, the state had rejected a number of other anti-Armenian resolutions, and subsequently adopted Resolution № 1541, according to which support was expressed for nearly 132 000 Armenian children that orphaned as a result of the Armenian Genocide. Resolution № 191, especially states: “During World War I, the collapsing Ottoman Empire began a systematic campaign of destruction of the Armenian population, which at that time was more than two millions. Around 1.5 million Armenians were exterminated, and today, in Armenia; which is the 10 percent of the Armenians’ homeland, inhabits 3 million Armenian, while the Armenian Diaspora is estimated at 8-10 millions”.  

The Texas Resolution was followed by the decision of the government of Wyoming, which recognized and condemned the Armenian Genocide back in April. Thus, the list of the 19 member states of the Western Region of ANCA is completed; all of which have recognized the Genocide. Those states are Alaska, Arizona, California, Colorado, Hawaii, Idaho, Kansas, Montana, Nebraska, Nevada, New Mexico, North Dakota, Oklahoma, Oregon, South Dakota, Texas, Utah, Washington and Wyoming.