


The 12th conference of International Association of Genocide Scholars took place in Yerevan on July 8-12, 2015. This year the conference is entitled “The Comparative Analysis of the Genocides of the 20th Century”. The conference, which was on the 100th anniversary of the Armenian Genocide, the Second World War and 70 anniversary of Holocaust was attended by head of the International Association of Genocide Scholars Doctor Daniel  Feierstein, head of the organizing committee Donna-Lee Frieze, the new head of the association Andrew Woolford, Alex Hinton, the best specialists in Genocide studies and scholars from all over the world. In the opening ceremony Serzh, Sargsyan, Hayk Demoyan, the coordinator of the events dedicated to the Centennial of the Armenian genocide, the head of the staff of the president of Armenia Vigen Sargsyan, the deputy director of the Armenian Genocide Museum-Institute, the chairman of the conference Suren Manukyan delivered their speeches. 

The participants of the conference visited the memorial complex of the Armenian Genocide, laid flowers at the memorial to Genocide victims with a minute of silence in memory of the innocent victims. Participants also visited the Armenian Genocide Museum and planted a fir at the Memorial Alley.

On July 12, at the closing ceremony,  the Armenian Genocide Museum-Institute Director,  chairman of the local organizing committee Hayk Demoyan, , awarded "James Bryce" gold medals to Daniel  Feierstein, Donna-Lee Frieze, peter balakian,  Andrew Woolford, Alex Hinton and Suren Manukyan as  a a sign of gratitude for the organization of the conference. Then the postcards made by Haypost and dedicated to the conference were distributed to the participants. 

Some of the speeches made during the conference will be published in the form of Article in the official journal of the 12th Conference of the International Association of Genocide, in “The International Research Journal of Armenian Genocide" published by Armenian Genocide Museum-Institute

International Association of Genocide Scholars is a leading and largest association of scholars studying genocides and crimes committed against humanity. It was established in 1994 by prominent Genocide scholars Israel Charny, Helen Fein, Robert Melson, Roger Smith and unites more than 500 scholars from different countries of the world. The aim of the association is to investigate the reasons for the genocide so as to prevent them later. The Armenian Genocide is always in the focus of the members of the International Association of Genocide Scholars. 


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