
  On October 15-16, 2015 the international scientific conference on “The Armenian Genocide-100: from the Recognition to Reparation” dedicated to the Centennial of the Armenian Genocide was held by the joint efforts of Yerevan State University and NAS RA.

The following issues were touched upon at the conference:

-Armenian Genocide, history, theory, memory, geopolitics,

- Elimination of the Consequences of Genocide and reparation for legal and socio-economic issues

- Reflection of the Armenian Genocide in Literature and the Arts

- Cultural Genocide - "White Genocide"

Languages of the conference were - Armenian, Russian and English.

At the session, "Theory and memory" ethnographer Hranush Kharatyan spoke on "The memory of Western Armenian as an interpretation of Armenian political dissent in the context of political repressions in USSR." The reporter spoke about the murder of the first secretary of the Republic of Armenia Khanjian. She noted that Khanjian didn’t committed suicide but was killed because, according to Beria, he had contact with foreign nationalists and was a nationalist himself. Kharatyan touched upon the repression of Beria, citing the slogan "Reduce the enemies of socialism to dust", as a result of which hundreds of Armenians were arrested, deported and killed. 

Hayk Sahakyan’s report was on the issues of the sociological method and measurement in the study of collective memory of the Armenian Genocide.  

Famous specialist in Armenian and genocide studies Vergine Svazlyan told about the eyewitness of Armenian Genocide during the self-defense battles. She numerated the areas of Western Armenia and Cilicia, where self-defense battles took place. Self-defense of Van was a well-organized initiative. She also spoke about the role of the Armenians in the Ottoman Empire. According to the speaker Cilicians could play a dangerous role, therefore, their fate was predetermined. There were also reports on the traumatic memory of the Armenian Genocide. The visual and psychological impact on the national consciousness of the memorial complex of genocide, forget-me-notes and statues dedicated to the Armenian Genocide were also discussed. A comparison was made between Stalin tragic times and 1915.


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